针对 & 测量常见问题:下一步是什么?

贴在 2022年9月1日星期四 | IAB英国

为什么第三方cookie正在被淘汰? 你应该如何准备? 通过我们的常见问题解答,您可以了解这个空间中的关键问题

1. 为什么彩乐园dsn正在远离第三方标识符? 

One of the reasons often given for phasing out third-party cookies and identifiers is the desire to create more privacy-conscious online environments. 然而,重要的是要理解“隐私”是一个非常主观的术语. 从根本上, the use of cookies (and any other similar device-based information or identifiers) or personal data must comply with data protection and ePrivacy legislation. 

虽然有很多人在谈论“饼干的消失”, 我们在IAB相信我们的行业有一个巨大的机会. By creating targeting and measurement solutions that are compliant with current data protection laws by design, 而不是改造已有的策略来跟上这个领域的变化, 我们可以创建一个功能更强大的数字生态系统,为所有各方——消费者——服务, 广告商和媒体所有者. 而不是关注第三方cookie的丢失, we’re urging the industry to focus on what we stand to gain by pioneering new ways to target and measure online. The challenge is how to develop alternative ways of targeting and measuring online ads that don’t undermine the economic viability of the ad-funded web - ensuring that our digital ecosystem remains ad-funded, 多元开放.


2. 什么时候发生的?? 

Apple’s Safari and Mozilla’s Firefox have already stopped using third-party cookies on their browsers. 谷歌的Chrome浏览器是目前最大的网络浏览器, 在2020年初, 谷歌宣布,到2022年初,它将在Chrome上弃用第三方cookie. 这个时间线最近被延长到2024年——你可以找到更多细节 在这里

在移动领域,苹果 改变了方法 到2021年,它的广告主标识符(IDFA), 将广告内置跟踪设置为默认选项. 与此同时,谷歌推出了一款 专注于移动设备的隐私沙盒 2022年初开发“新”, more private advertising solutions” that “will limit sharing of user data with third parties and operate without cross-app identifiers, 包括广告ID”. 它将其描述为“一项多年的倡议”, 当它发射时, 称其计划“在至少两年内支持现有广告平台功能”。.  


3. 而且被弃用的只是第三方cookie,而不是第一方? 

是的,第一方cookie将继续在所有浏览器上运行. These are cookies that are placed by the site that a person is visiting and it will only operate while you’re on that site. 第一方cookie帮助通知您看到的广告, as well as remembering things like your language preferences or - if you’re on a retail site - what’s been saved to your basket. 第三方cookie是由第三方公司设置的,而不是被访问的网站. They are currently leveraged across the digital ecosystem to target audiences with advertising and measure performance of campaigns, 其他功能. 


4. 可用的替代解决方案是什么? 

T在这里 are many different solutions that are currently available or in development - you can see what is on offer across the industry from IAB英国 members 在这里. 这些用户可分为两大类:有关联的用户和无关联的用户. Linked audiences describe targeting strategies w在这里 publisher and advertiser audiences can be directly linked using an identifier - either at a 1:1 level or an aggregate level. 此空间的选项包括隐私Sandox的主题, 哪一种专注于将广告商与有共同兴趣的人群联系起来, 和UID 2.0,与个人建立1:1的联系. 

在光谱的另一端, unlinked audiences relate to targeting strategies w在这里 t在这里 is no ability to directly link a publisher's audience to the advertiser’s audience, 因此,广告商无法在个人层面上识别用户. This approach centres on pure contextual solutions w在这里 an advertiser targets audiences based on the content they are consuming.


5. 有领跑者吗?

不,这不是一种解决方案会获胜并因此被所有人使用的竞争. 在这个数字化的新时代, it’s highly unlikely that t在这里 will be a one-size-fits-all approach to fill the range of functions that third-party cookies currently deliver. 而不是, 整个网络将会有一系列的可寻址性, 在一些环境中,人们是完全匿名的, 另一些则是完全可寻址的, 有些地方两者都有. It’s crucial that publishers and marketers understand all of the solutions on offer and which ones will work best for them. 


6. 行业目前正在做什么准备? 

We’re now in a position w在这里 a number of alternative targeting and measurement solutions are at the testing phase and our message to members 和 wider industry is to get involved. 首先要确定公司的目标和测量需求, 在考虑哪些解决方案与您相关之前. It’s only by trialling the solutions available that you will be able to see how they function in the real world, 什么是有效的,哪里需要更多的发展. 最重要的是,您需要确保您使用任何解决方案的方式都符合 英国GDPR 私隐及电子通讯规例(PECR)


7. IAB英国在这一切中的作用是什么? 

我们会员的反馈是,他们不想被告知该做什么, but would like to be equipped with the information they need to develop the right targeting and measurement strategy for them. We t在这里fore won’t be endorsing any specific solutions as what works for one advertiser might not be right for another - it depends on your objectives 和 user data available to you. 然而, by mapping out the types of solutions in the market 和 key considerations for each one - as we do 在这里 - our goal is to provide advertisers and our members with the information they need to select the best options for them. 看看我们的 解决方案目录 有关目前可用的一些产品的更详细信息,以及如何了解更多信息. We are also working with our members to facilitate their involvement in cross-industry working groups - primarily IAB Tech Lab’s Project Rearc and Google’s Privacy Sandbox.

Our main message is: use these resources to read up about what is on offer 和n get trialling. Google has extended the third-party cookie deadline to give companies more breathing space to prepare for the shift. 作为我们的 首席执行官乔恩·纽说明智地使用它. 


8. 监管机构在说什么?? 

在2021年底发表的意见中, 伊丽莎白·德纳姆, 时任资讯专员, said: “I am looking for solutions that eliminate intrusive online tracking and profiling practices, 让人们在使用个人数据方面有意义的选择. My office will not accept proposals based on underlying ad tech concepts that replicate or seek to maintain the status quo.“更 在这里

与此同时, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has been investigating Google’s Privacy Sandbox (which is working to develop alternative targeting and measurement solutions for industry) to ensure that any solutions developed do not unfairly favour Google within the market. 阅读这方面的dsn彩乐园网址消息 在这里


9. 我该从哪里开始呢? 

如果你还没有制定出目标和衡量策略, 重要的是,你要调查可能适合你的选择. 先阅读我们的 概述 看着 解目录. 你也可以找到我们的 测量工具 在这里, with plenty of advice on how to implement a measurement strategy that isn’t reliant on click-through rates. 

The next step is to start trialling the available solutions to see how they work in practice and feed back to developers. 


10. 我在哪里可以找到其他有用的资源? 



目标定位的未来 & 测量

随着第三方标识符越来越过时, 当涉及到定位和衡量他们的在线受众时,广告商有什么选择? 我们将探讨迄今为止发生的事情,并通过可用的策略为您提供指导.










2023年第四季度:来自CMA的更新 & 谷歌的隐私沙盒





支持连接而不是点击. 抓住观众的想象力,而不仅仅是他们的注意力. 大胆地走自己的节奏,而不是让科技设定节奏. 是时候重新发现数码的乐趣了.