
贴在 2023年6月6日星期二 | 雅克·埃德尔 - Starcom表演节目主管

雅克·埃德尔他是演出公司的节目主管 @传媒, argues why click-through rates aren’t a sound measure for quality or performance

“不要成为一个点击头 IAB UK于2019年发起了一项活动,以提高人们的意识 that CTRs are not the only measure of digital performance and to recommend alternatives metrics depending on campaign goals. 的 campaign aimed to educate advertisers and publishers about the importance of focusing on metrics that measure meaningful engagement - such as viewability, 在现场花费的时间, 和转化率——而不仅仅是点击率. 这些原则应该为一切奠定基础 稳健的测量策略.

的re are several key reasons why CTRs are not suitable for a robust measurement strategy:

  1. 见解有限,缺乏背景: Clicks only represent the initial interaction between a user and an ad. Click-through rates don't capture the complete customer journey or provide insights into the user's behaviour beyond the click. 理解点击后操作, 比如转换, 在现场花费的时间, 或者购买, 是评估竞选成功与否的关键.
  2. 质量和. 数量*只关注点击量会导致数量多于质量. Marketing campaigns should focus on attracting high value audiences and engage with them in a meaningful way. A high click-through rate doesn't necessarily guarantee engagement or a positive impact on business objectives.
  3. 广告位置*点击会受到广告位置等因素的影响, 位置, 或能见度, 而不是广告本身的有效性. Ads in prominent 位置s may receive more accidental or unintentional clicks, 歪曲数据,歪曲竞选表现.

为了克服这些限制, 市场ers should plan and measure to a broader set of metrics such as return-on-ad spend (ROAS), 客户终身价值(CLTV), 转换, 反弹率, engagement rates or other key performance indicators (KPIs) and key performance drivers (KPDs) that would provide a more comprehensive understanding of the campaign’s effectiveness.

Our ability to measure campaign efficiency and effectiveness goes hand in hand with the cookieless world that has been shaping the future of digital advertising measurement over time:


As data privacy and regulation take centre stage in the digital ad tech world, the ability to target and track an individual consumer online is becoming more and more challenging.

In this context, clicks are not the answer nor are authenticated users. Authenticated individual users have perceived authenticated value. 的 reality is that publishers have experienced a drop in CPMs across browsers that block third-party cookies because users are not able to be tied to a record or matched to a third-party identity, 导致买家减少. 买家正在报告cpm.8x to 3x higher across Chrome (where third-party cookies are still used) compared to Safari or contextual and non-authenticated buys.

作为营销人员, we must acknowledge that it is the consumers who are actively asking for reform and it could not be clearer through their actions:

  • 32%的英国人安装了广告拦截软件, 这在很大程度上将它们从任何MarTech影响评估中删除 (1)
  • Apple App Tracking 透明度 ATT opt-in rates are at 29% globally. 苹果移动设备占英国移动设备的56% 市场 (2)
  • 34% of UK users run Safari browser which enforces Intelligent Tracking Prevention which limits the lifespan of first-party cookies set via client-side JavaScript to just 24hrs (3)
  • Some consumers choose not to opt-in to data or cookie use for personalisation (around 50-70% opt-in rate in the EU) (4)
  • Brands, depending on their UI design and the nature of their relationship with their consumers, 你是否看到过从10%到80%的广泛选择 (5)
  • Email matching on first-party data has simply meant Apple deployed “hide my email”, 使统一的id和其他解决方案不足

Striking the balance between privacy, cost and measurements can be a challenge. Without traditional measurements buyers have three core elements that are impacted, 频率到达和转换.


Finding the right balance between measurement and privacy will be unique to every brand. Currently there are several core solutions in 市场 each with its own positive impact.


消费者的反应, legislators and the cost impact make it clear that the end goal for 市场ers should be to humanise their 市场ing from cookie-based, click-focused performance 市场ing to people-based solutions focused on consumer experiences. Moving away from isolated authenticated individuals and misleading measurement to a more holistic approach that strikes the balance of privacy, 效率与品牌计量经济学. 媒体计划, buying and measurements should shift towards a privacy by design consumer centric mindset whilst testing a range of solutions and capabilities to set up for future success.


(1)资料来源:统计研究部发布, 1月10, 2023 “Adblocking penetration rate in selected countries/territories worldwide as of 3rd quarter 2021”)



(4) Source: Reach and frequency reporting comparing open supply vs authenticated users. 不同出版商的个人结果可能差别很大

(5)资料来源:客户调查. 不同品牌和垂直行业的个人结果差异很大







IAB英国推出系列探索信任 & 数字化的有效性 


的 Building Blocks of Quality Media: steps to make the most of your next creative campaign


Building trust: How 市场ers can thrive in a privacy-first world





支持连接而不是点击. 抓住观众的想象力,而不仅仅是他们的注意力. Boldly move to your own beat instead of letting tech set the pace. 是时候重新发现数码的乐趣了.