
丽娜拉伊 -创造者领导,Pinterest

How have brands such as Glossier and Telfar cultivated communities of brand ambassadors to build brand loyalty? Pinterest的创意总监丽娜拉伊解释道

Influencer marketing is one of the most innovative facets of the digital marketing mix. It has evolved at a phenomenal pace over the last decade and is 预计将增长到9美元.70亿美元. dsn彩乐园网址的发展, 大使营销, 看到品牌吸引客户创造内容, 提供评论并建议未来的产品线, 同时把焦点放在真实性上. 

The need for authenticity and relatability is reminiscent of the early days of blogging over a decade ago. The majority of bloggers started their foray into digital publishing as a passion project on Blogger or WordPress, 然后再扩展到Instagram等社交媒体平台, Pinterest和YouTube.

Marketers saw an opportunity to enhance their traditional marketing strategies by working with influencers. Engaging real people with a social following adds a layer of authenticity, 同时也有助于吸引新的受众. One-off collaborations have led to long-term partnerships, turning influencers into ambassadors.

Super-influencer Lorna Luxe has been working with fast fashion e-tailer ‘In The Style’ since February 2019. Her first collection was the most successful launch in the brand’s history, with 不到一个小时,5000套就售罄了.

Paid influencer collaborations have proven to be a very successful marketing tactic, but fans and followers have become sceptical of how authentic these partnerships and influencer reviews really are. In 2018, the industry faced a further crisis in confidence after several leading influencers were caught buying followers and using bots to overinflate their engagement metrics.

This is why I believe 大使营销 is a necessary evolution. Influencers undoubtedly play an important role in digital marketing, but brands can benefit from engaging grassroots fans to create a 360° approach. Consumer purchase decisions are heavily influenced by peers and relatable micro-influencers: 微影响者的参与度要高得多 最近的一项研究表明 70% of millennials are influenced by social content from their peers.

Here are two compelling examples that illustrate the importance of engaging superfans as both a source of inspiration and to help build grassroots buzz.


美容品牌Glossier是 估计值1美元.2bn and much of the company’s success is attributable to 大使营销. 有趣的是, Glossier由Emily Weiss于2014年创立, 在推出她的品牌之前, Emily was a blogger at ‘Into The Gloss’ which launched four years prior.

从一开始, Glossier has placed customers at the heart of their brand strategy, 与早期客户作为品牌大使. Not only were customers encouraged to share social media posts with their products and signature pink bubble wrap pouches, but Glossier also relied on their brand ambassadors to share product reviews and tips.

把每个顾客都当作影响者, Glossier has amassed an impressive amount of User Generated Content (UGC). This social amplification has earned the brand a huge following across their channels, with their largest audiences being on Pinterest (over 10m monthly unique views) and Instagram (2.8米的追随者).

将大使营销的概念更进一步, Glossier also has an exclusive Slack group with 100 'superfans' who are happy to provide feedback on the existing line and share ideas for new products.


2005年由纽约的特尔法·克莱门斯创立, Telfar is one of the most exciting luxury fashion brands in the zeitgeist. 在布鲁克林的派对亚文化中不断建立声势, Clemens has been collaborating with brand ambassadors since the brand’s inception.

While large fashion brands scramble to prove that they value diversity, Telfar的创始格言是“它不适合你”, 这是为每个人准备的。”. As a black-owned luxury fashion brand which is unisex and affordable, 特尔法是毫不费力的包容性. 克莱门斯为凯拉和戴夫·海因斯等朋友设计服装, 谁又会成为品牌大使, 穿着特尔法的服装,在该品牌的时装秀上表演.

Telfar's first handbag was a runaway success and the limited monthly drops have resulted in a cult-like following. 被称为“布什威克铂金包”, the handbag is a prized possession which unofficial brand ambassadors share across social media in high-quality, editorial-esque芽.

By engaging superfans and high-profile cool kids spanning the art, 时尚界和音乐界, Telfar能够强化他们的品牌价值, 扩大他们的社交范围, lean on their community for content creation and create a grassroots buzz.

As brands and agencies look for new opportunities to extend their digital presence and build brand loyalty, the most innovative strategy they can adopt is cultivating a community of brand ambassadors. Engaging with influencers as thought leaders in their niche only goes halfway. The most powerful advocates for any organisation are existing customers and fans. Genuine advocacy from an ecosystem of influencers and fans will help you to engage customers, 建立忠诚, 提高品牌知名度.



介绍《彩乐园dsn》. 从购物视频到游戏体验, the new guide gives first-hand insight from 36 IAB UK members on the most innovative digital ad solutions and how brands can effectively harness them. 















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