
蕾娜·罗伯茨 - Smartology EMEA销售经理

蕾娜·罗伯茨, Smartology的EMEA销售经理, explores how the push to a more privacy-focused digital advertising landscape is taking place at a time when digital creativity and innovation have never been more important

至少可以说,2020年上半年是一段疯狂的旅程, yet it feels more apt than ever to be sitting here writing about digital innovation and using digital for good. 尽管封锁限制已经慢慢放松, the global population as a whole is still very dependent on the digital connectivity we so quickly have come to rely on. 

Indeed, for the most part, the shift to remote working and increased connectivity has been a success. 然而, 和所有的创新一样, there are always challenges to navigate and overcome; in the context of lockdown, issues with security measures in the 工具 that have helped us to work and socialise from home, 被称为“变焦轰炸”. 

The bulk of this comes down to the level of sophisticated technologies we now have access too and the speed at which innovation happens. There is so much pressure to be the first to get a product out to market and for it to be the best that we barely have a chance to catch our breath before the next big thing is rolled out - arguably limiting our ability to assess the full impact, 积极的和消极的, 创造出来的东西. 

为本文的目的, let’s focus on user privacy and the programmatic landscape as an example and how digital innovation can be used for good: shifting cultural conversations, 服务于感人肺腑的活动, and allowing brand purpose and company values to drive digital innovation, 同时保护用户信息. 

Since the Cambridge Analytica scandal in 2017 and the implementation of GDPR in 2018, user privacy has not only been a leading industry topic but one that has become mainstream as well. Consumers are more aware than ever of advertising targeting methods. 当程序化广告开始“做大”的时候, it was hailed as a transformative solution that would lead the industry into an age of efficiency and effectiveness thanks to easily accessible audience data segments, 实时竞价, 预算敏捷性能力.  

While there are clear issues that still need to be addressed within the programmatic supply chain - as shown by ISBA and PwC's recent study into supply chain transparency - there is also good cause for optimism. If there is any positive to take away from this past year it is that we are not built for isolation and thrive off of connection and collaboration. There is still work to be done in shaping the programmatic ecosystem around user privacy, but we have already seen some transformative movements in a short period of time.

Safari等浏览器正在推动隐私浪潮, having made all third-party cookies obsolete on their platform. Google has since also announced it will be phasing out all third-party cookies by 2022. Initiatives like IAB Europe’s 透明度 and Consent Framework are leading an industry-wide united response to the GDPR and we have players across the landscape working on solutions like universal anonymised IDs and methods to standardise taxonomies, 定义, 保留, measurement etc in order to cease the fragmentation of the ecosystem and protect user privacy. 

Advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence-based solutions have made it easier than ever to create unique and creative campaigns without relying on identifying user information. Context is the currency of the moment and its definition is widening to include an increasing number of contextual identifiers - such as sentiment targeting, 基于时间(天)的目标, 周, 月, 年), 甚至是实时环境. 

Changes in how we measure campaign success will likely go through a transformation too, especially as major browsers are making third-party tracking 工具 obsolete, and solutions like eye-tracking/heat maps have already been introduced. 

Digital innovation and advancements will continue to  progress over the years, 就像以前一样, 在前进的道路上,不可避免地会遇到挑战. But the connectivity and collaboration this work enables and that we thrive off will continue to allow brands, 机构, 广告技术供应商, and publishers alike to shift cultural norms for the better - the push to a more privacy-friendly advertising landscape will be one of those norms. 



介绍《dsn彩乐园网址》. 从购物视频到游戏体验, the new guide gives first-hand insight from 36 IAB UK members on the most innovative digital ad solutions and how brands can effectively harness them.



销售经理EMEA, Smartology












支持连接而不是点击. 抓住观众的想象力,而不仅仅是他们的注意力. Boldly move to your own beat instead of letting tech set the pace. 是时候重新发现数码的乐趣了.